Where are you going this summer without a pair of Thierry Rabotin elastic platform sandals?

Summer 2021 is the season of elastic platform sandals

Summer is finally here, and what better way to celebrate the beginning of everyone's favourite season than to buy a new pair of shoes? Now that the hot weather is here to stay for months, we really need to find the perfect pair of footwear that will accompany us in all our summer adventures!

If you're one of those people who loves to travel and discover new things in every place you visit, but you like to do all of this with the most stylish shoes of the season on your feet, we have a suggestion that we're sure will soon end up in your "cart": elastic platform sandals

A quick browse through the most influential fashion magazines and blogs will be enough to tell you that this year, there is no hotter trend than wearing elastic platform sandals. Women all around the world have already managed to get their hands on one of these must-have accessories, so why shouldn't you be one of them?

What makes elastic platform sandals the perfect kind of footwear to don during the hottest months of the year is that we're talking about a model that can potentially combine practicality and interesting design, two highly desirable characteristics in any pair of shoes. 

This summer, choose Thierry Rabotin for your elastic platform sandals

Most seem to think that designer shoes can only rhyme with pain and discomfort; well, it is clear that all these people have never tried on one of Thierry Rabotin's products. The Italian brand's goal has always been to provide women everywhere in the world with all types of footwear that are both smart and innovative, and comfortable. Even though shoe-lovers don't mind sacrificing their well-being to fashion, we want to offer a healthy alternative!

So, if you want to give in to this summer's latest trend and buy elastic platform sandals that are not only pretty but also good for your feet, you should leave whatever you're doing right now and take a look at Thierry Rabotin's SS 2021 collection

All you need to do is go to our official website and choose your favourite pair of elastic platform sandals we've created for people like you, who value both style and comfort. You'll soon discover that making a choice is not that easy when you have so many viable options! Of course, you can always buy more than one pair. Needless to say, our elastic platform sandals won't be out of style next year, and the artisanal way they are manufactured allows them to last forever. 

Elastic platform sandals: here's some of our favourites

This year, we've decided to use elastic in many of our shoes to add details to the design and for the upper and sling. The main characteristic of this material is its adaptability, something that is always welcomed in footwear.

If you're looking for a pair of elastic platform sandals for casual occasions, we'd like to suggest to you the models Katia and Urali. Both are perfect to have on in your free time or during long trips. On the other hand, if you were thinking about purchasing something a little bit more fun for your summer night-outs, Brady is certainly the shoe for you. But what should you wear every day at the office? The answer is easy: Bei, a gorgeous black and blue sandal made of the softest Nappa leather. 


Curious to find out all of our other elastic platform sandals? Then, visit Thierry Rabotin's online shops!